Tuesday, March 16, 2010

One Crazy Month

We have had a crazy month.  We sold our house and have been packing and moved out this past weekend.  Hayden had her second laser surgery on the 11th (last Thursday), I had my 30th birthday on Friday, and we moved out Saturday and Sunday.  We haven't bought a new house yet, so we are staying with my poor mom for a little while.  

Hayden is doing great!! She is still really swollen, but is back to her energetic little self.  The doctor was very happy with the results of the first laser treatment.  The hemangioma is so much lighter and is starting to get smaller.  I can't wait to see the results of this treatment once the swelling and bruising go away.  Here are some pictures of H after the first treatment.....

In her jumper

When we started packing up the house, there was way too much for Hayden to get into, so we bought this little play pen.  She loves it and it kept her out of trouble.  She loves to unpack boxes!!!


Ashley and Matt Sheehan said...

ugh i so feel your stress. It's hard enough doing all of the packing and moving but then adding a toddler to the mix is just nuts!! I'll be going through all of that in a month.

Dustin & Kate said...

I didn't know Hayden had a second laser surgery. I hope she recovers well and that was the last one she has to have!
Good luck to you on your house hunt!!! I know that is so stressful. Nora was about Hayden's age when we sold our house last year.
And happy 30th birthday!!!